Monday, 3 December 2012

Using Playback Backing Tracks during Practice Sessions

Playback backing tracks will help you in singing your favourite number flawlessly. These tracks will not only assist you in making your practice sessions more effective, but will also allow you to deliver a more vivacious live performance. Even individuals who are not formally trained for singing find this practicing tool extremely useful. So, can backtracks teach a person how to sing? The answer to this question should be a big ‘yes’. Singing along with back tracks will surely enhance your singing ability. Often professional singers say that for singing well, you must have the ability of listening patiently. Professional karaoke backing tracks will teach you how to sing by making you a better listener. As you start practicing with this amazing tool, you will be able to listen to the instruments, music, timing, tuning and phrasing more diligently.

Every individual who can speak can make different noises. The noises we make can be high or low and are managed by our vocal chords. For singing properly, one must have the skill of manipulating his or her vocal chords to convert all these noises into pleasant musical tones. Using backtracks during practice sessions makes a singer a better manipulator of his or her vocal chords.

Earlier, when nothing called backing track existed, most singers relied on scale training and other vocal exercises for becoming better singers. However, now most experts describe backing track as a more useful practicing tool than vocal exercises and scale training. Singing with backtracks doesn’t only improve a singer’s stamina and range, but also assists him/her in developing the skill of stretching vocal chords and singing melodies that touch extremely high notes. While singing along with a backtrack, you will be able to identify the right time of breathing, which in turn will help you in improving your breathing technique. However, this does not mean that scale training and vocal exercises are of no use. They surely help in becoming a better singer; what they lack is the ability of providing you the support required for singing a particular song. On the other hand, every number has different back tracks; as a result, when you sing with these tracks you get to learn singing the same notes that are used in the song.

What will fascinate you even more is that back tracks when purchased from reliable online stores are available for extremely low prices. You will not need to spend anything above £2 for buying a backing track.

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